Looking for the Signs of Life
One of
our primary responsibilities as pastors and church leaders is to find ways to
inspire and ignite life within our congregations. For some this is simply a
matter of finding ways to engage a body of believers who are ready to be led.
In other cases, it may feel like a slow and arduous process as you try to re-energize a congregation that has grown tired and stagnant.
your ministry is a new church development, your congregation will come with a
history and a tradition. Sometimes those can be used as a catalyst for engaging
in new and exciting ways of being the church in the world. And sometimes they serve as an anchor around
our necks that hold us back and become a barrier to any kind of meaningful
change. Learning to discern what can be used and what needs to be discarded is
an important skill for any leader interested in true revitalization.
is something that we all want for our congregations, but our results are often
mixed. There is no secret formula to achieve it and there is no single strategy
that will ensure success. And very often
achieving that sense of vibrancy and vitality depends on different factors in
each congregational context.
gives a church that special aura of vitality? How do we recognize the signs of
life? While there is no one-size-fits-all solution, there are a number of
factors that seem to be common to the churches that we would consider the most
Vitality requires a purpose – Churches that have an extra
sense of life are motivated by more than just the desire to be together. Sometimes it happens though worship, but
often we find ourselves living out that purpose through a variety of
activities, some social, some educational, some missional. Churches that exude
a sense of excitement understand that there is a reason for everything we do
together, and that ultimately reaching out to others in Jesus’ name is an
important thing. It is what motivates
and encourages us and it is inviting to others who want to join our cause.
Vitality focuses on mission – Our Christian walk compels us
to reach out beyond ourselves. Mission can be realized in many different
programs and approaches, but a sense that we are serving Jesus in the world, in
ways that make a difference, is key to a sense of fulfillment within the
congregation. Churches that are self-focused, where the primary attention is on
the care of the building or making the budget or having meetings for their own
sake do not share that sense of purpose.
Vitality is welcoming – Being a welcoming congregation
is more than just greeting visitors at the door. It also requires a sense that those in a
congregation value and enjoy being together. Vital churches find the time to be
in fellowship together, not out of obligation, but because they value the gifts
and friendship of the body. That is why so often we find ourselves sharing
together around the table, whether for a meal, a cup of coffee, or even to
experience the love of God through the Lord’s Supper. The signs of life are
realized as often over a piece of pie as they are in a service of worship.
Vitality depends on sharing – Churches are the strongest when
their members join together to share the work and the responsibility of being
the church. Life is most often found in those places where the people are
engaged in ministry and don’t just assume that it is the job of the staff or
pastors. I have yet to see a congregation, large or small, where there was not
enough work to go around, but the big question is in how the work is
distributed. Cultivating spiritual and administrative gifts and then allowing
the freedom for our members to exercise those gifts, is one of the primary
things we can do to encourage life in our churches. With that sense of
confidence and responsibility comes an attitude of shared ownership in the
mission and a motivation to serve God through the church.
Vitality values authenticity – Be yourself – it is the first
rule of success in our life together. Vital churches do not need experts – they
need servants who understand two things: 1) that we are all in need of God’s
grace, and 2) that we can learn from each other. Successful ministry never
results from telling others what to do, but rather by sharing together in this
journey of faith. When pastors take the time to get to know the members of
their congregation, and show that they are truly interested in understanding
their lives and their gifts, then we set the stage for a ministry of mutual
trust and service.
Vitality reflects our worship – Our worship begins in the
sanctuary, but it doesn’t stay there. The way we express our lives together in
Christ is one of the most important signs of life in any congregation. Our
spiritual lives are encouraged and fed by the time we spend together in that
place, but they are nurtured and nourished when we take what we receive there
and apply it to what we do each and every day.
Worship takes many forms….in our prayers….in our devotions…in our
scripture reading…in our service out in the community…and in the way we
demonstrate that we are people of God. Vitality happens when worship becomes an
irresistible expression of our faith and not just an activity that happens
every Sunday at 10:00.
What are
the signs of life in your church? It comes from different places and in
different forms. It also comes from both
the pastors and leaders of the church as well as the everyday members who make
up the family of faith. As you get to know them in their own contexts, take
note of what seems to give them energy or the areas in which they demonstrate a
passion for their faith. In this new era in the life of the Church, it is
important that each of us has our eyes on ways that we can effectively cultivate
vitality in our work together. It
doesn’t matter whether your church is large or small. We cannot afford to be
complacent, inflexible, or worse yet, boring. But we must also be faithful to
the leading of the Spirit and to the Word of God. We are given a mandate to share the good news
from the God who loves us. Let us find ways to accomplish that responsibility
by encouraging those around us, while also reaching out to a world that is
still waiting.
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